Effective mucus removal is more than what we take to remove it. It’s also about what we STOP eating to prevent it from accumulating in the first place. Here is a simple method for doing so.

Why Does Mucus Accumulate?

The mucus that fills our lungs, sinuses, eyes and even our joints, comes from cell damage. The mucus membrane is a thin layer of lymphatic fluid that protects our organs and systems from foreign substances.

But when WE OURSELVES introduce these harmful substances in the form of food, it causes cell erosion which is the subtle and slow damage to our healthy cells. These damaged cells deteriorate and break down into a protective layer that deprives other cells from oxygen, making way for an illness to ensue.

Download the Digestive Reset Protocol for a completely done for you detox system.

How To Remove The Mucus

There are 3 ways to maintain a healthy mucus membrane and promote damaged mucus removal.

  1. Consume mucus removing herbs for the lymphatic system like linden flower, elderberry and sarsaparilla.
  2. Stop or limit consuming foods that cause mucus build up like dairy, oils, animal products, sugar and yeast.
  3. Detoxify the body through sweating, exercise, fasting and hydration.

In this combination: IMMUNITY SUPPORT

ELDERBERRY: Is high in Iron, Calcium, Chromium and Zinc.

SARSAPARILLA: Is the highest iron you will find in a plant.

LINDEN FLOWER: Is a powerful mucus remover that will break up eroded cell membranes and gather it for removal through sweat and urination.

SOURSOP LEAF: Is high in cancer fighting antioxidants and nourishes the nervous system.

NOPAL CACTUS: Is a demiulcent whos vuscois substancecd helps coats and rebuild the mucus membrane

The Blood and Lymphatic System

Let’s keep this extremely simple. There are 4 MAIN STEPS to cleanse the blood and lymphatic system. Doing so will clear any damaged mucus membrane that is clogging the various glands preventing them from properly secreting and distributing hormones in both men and women.

These 4 steps need to be performed in unison and consistently for a period long enough to remove years of build up, regenerate slightly damaged cells and dispose of eroded cells.

  1. Optimum Hydration: Hydration is more than drinking water. It’s about electrolytes which can come from water but there is a chance one can drink plenty of water and still suffer from dehydration.
  2. Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage: There are a number of ways to stimulate lymphatic drainage. Exercise, massage, dry brushing and sweating are among the most effective.
  3. Remove Processed Food From Diet: Most processed foods can be replaced with a few creative recipes and techniques that help you avoid auto-toxicity.
  4. Herbal Support That Cleanses The Glands: Combining specific herbs that target the blood and lymphatic system via herbal tea and capsules interchangeably is an ancient method of addressing detoxification on a cellular level.

Herbs That Cleanse The Blood and Lymphatic System:

Suggested Daily Regimen for a minimum of 5 days for beginners and 12 – 14 days for the more advanced.

Each Morning: Break-fast: (7am – 11am)


Always consider professional medical advice for personalized recommendations.

No coupon needed!

๐Ÿ“š Glands and Hormones: Sources Of Zinc for Male Fertility

These are high quantity sources of zinc that are pretty easy to find and can help with mineral balance.

Elderberries, Immunity Support, Nerve Support, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Chickpeas and Mushrooms

๐Ÿ“š Why Hydration is Important, Really?

The true meaning of hydration is more than just drinking water. What we REALLY need are electrolytes. These are MINERALS that happen to take on an electric charge when they meet with water.

The water inside of us is what activates those minerals. So minerals and hydration both go hand in hand AND are one in the same, if that makes sense. Don’t let anyone snow you.

If you stopped drinking water all together and only ate hydrating fruits you would surely keep living.

Dehydration can also cause cravings for sugar, salt and starch, as the body may mistake thirst for hunger. Be sure to drink better water with the Alkanatur.

Alkalnatur Purifying Alkaline Water Pitcher

Get 25% OFF your Blue Oyster Mushroom grow kit from INNOCULATED FARMS when you use code: CRUSHFOSTER

Almond Cow Milk Maker

For more tips join us in the Food Addiction Fix


The Challenge

Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs) are the progress-stopping substances that are sprinkled throughout our lives in the form of good family fun, convenience or holiday treats. This means it’s a fight to get the full spectrum of daily essential minerals through the foods we eat. You’d need to calculate and monitor every bite, all the time, and tally your score at the end of each day. Nobody has time for that.

Or, you could just take CELL SUPPORT, IMMUNITY SUPPORT and SEA MOSS daily.

The Bottom Line

Grab a cop of “Food Addiction Fix

I will show you how to transform the way you shop for food, organize your fridge, systematize your prep, and easily execute delicious daily meals.