Why is Testosterone Dropping?

Red Clover

Where’s my mojo? Why is testosterone dropping? And why does it seem to be slowly slipping into the distance? When I was working 60 hour work weeks and eating what was most convenient, I had to ask myself this question and it felt embarrassing. Most men don’t openly discuss hormonal or mental health challenges. In […]

Why Take A Red Clover Bath?

Red Clover

Benefits of a A Red Clover Bath: Improve bone health by helping to prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women. Red clover contains isoflavones – a class of compounds similar to estrogen.  Studies show Red Clover can enhances skin health. Some studies suggest that red clover may improve skin health by boosting collagen production while reducing […]

 A Slice of Hydration 

What We Know About Dehydration Dehydration can occur when you don’t consume enough water, leading to decreased energy levels and fatigue, even with mild dehydration. Why not have a slice of hydration? Throughout the day, you lose water through breathing, sweating, urine, and bowel movements. To maintain proper bodily functions, it’s crucial to replenish lost […]

What’s A Smoothie Bowl?

A Red Clover Bath

The one thing I never really understood was the Smoothie Bowl. I just didn’t get it. Was it fruit soup? Or a liquid fruit salad? Either way I wasn’t into it. But somehow, the other day, I decided to try it and see what the fuss was all about. I mean, there was a whole […]

More Than The Thyroid

More Than The Thyroid

What We Know About Ocean Vegetables We hear all the time how beneficial Sea Moss, Iodine and Ocean Vegetables are and how they should be consumed on a daily basis for a number of reasons, including lymphatic drainage, mineral absorption and calcium for bones and skin. However we never hear about how ocean vegetables benefit […]

Kids Breakfast Cereals Banned

kids breakfast cereals banned

You might have heard by now that many of the sweet, fruity cereals we’ve grown to know and love contain a chemical called BHT. I know you must be saying, “not another one” — but yes, there’s another potentially harmful chemical to look out for. It’s frustrating for parents. All kids want is a bowl […]

Alkaline Shwarma Kabobs

Alkaline Shwarma Kabobs

This is first in a series of meat replacement dishes using mushrooms from “Innoculated Farms”. I can now grow them myself which gives me the freshest, most high quality mushrooms I can get. My first recipe were these Alkaline Shwarma Kabobs. Get 25% OFF your own Blue Oyster Mushroom grow kit from INNOCULATED FARMS when […]

The Alkaline Sports Drink

Today I’d like to explore the concept of the Alkaline Sports Drink. Did you know that people exercising for less than 60 to 90 minutes don’t need a sports drink to maintain or improve performance. In fact, A report from UC Berkeley showed the sugar in sports drinks may be contributing to the child obesity […]

Lions Mane Krab Cake

Lion’s Mane Krab Cakes only take about 30 mins! Use my chickpea chickn’ recipe in Beyond Vegan and shred the mushrooms by hand. Saute them and combine the 2 mixtures for this Lions Mane Krab Cake Recipe.For those of you in the Cheat Codes group, use the Chickpea Crumbs recipe for the crispy exterior and […]

Low Sodium Soup Stock Recipe

Did you know the average American consistently consumes around 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day?That’s 1000 milligrams more than the recommended level. Diets high in sodium have negative impacts on health by driving up blood pressure which, as the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health notes, has also been linked to cardiovascular illness. Enter my low […]